• Blanket ban on entry to Rabindra Sarobar may not be a solution, earmark a zone instead: Pet owners
    Times of India | 9 May 2024
  • Kolkata: A blanket ban on pets may not be a solution to address the concerns of morning walkers at Rabindra Sarobar, felt pet owners. They said the demand should instead be for responsible behaviour, like keeping the animals on a leash in public and cleaning up after them.

    A day after KMDA put up notices prohibiting entry of pets at Rabindra Sarobar, more than 100 pet parents have formed a group and written an open letter to Kolkata mayor and urban development minister Firhad Hakim, appealing for the withdrawal of the ban.Calling the ban unreasonable, the group has instead suggested certain regulations, like pet owners ensuring the animals don’t dirty the place and that no visitor is disturbed.

    “Pets are part of the ecosystem. They love to walk in open spaces. According to laws, no pet can be denied entry to public parks outright. KMDA should consider certain regulations that could work to strike a balance between needs of pets and maintaining the sanctity of Rabindra Sarobar. A complete ban is unjust and cruel to pets,” said Hindustan Road resident Priyasha Singhania, who works for an e-waste management firm. Singhania is one among the pet parents who is spearheading the appeal against the ban.

    Southern Avenue resident Sourav Bose said, “I am upset with the decision. Responsible pet owners should be allowed in with their furry companions. I want the KMDA to designate a pet zone at the Lake or specify a time for their visit. If any pet is found to be dirtying the premises or attacking any visitor, the owner can be penalized.”

    KMDA’s decision not to allow pets on the Lake premises curbs the right of pet owners to have the company of their furry friends in public, said Soumava Moulik, an IT professional from Beliaghata. “KMDA should do away with the blanket ban. Instead, KMDA should issue guidelines for pet owners to maint-ain cleanliness.”

    Another pet owner, Jaideep Dasgupta from Ritchie Road, said “Regular walks in the open are needed for a pet’s health and many south Kolkata residents take them to the Sraobar. I want KMDA to chart out rules for pets at the Lake. The total ban on pets’ entry is unfortunate and disheartening.”

    A section of Lake regulars, on the other hand, welcomed the authority’s decision. “We are not against visitors bringing pets with them. But in many cases, the owners don’t clean up after the animals, which leaves the place dirty,” said a Lake morning walker on condition of anonymity.

    “It will be welcome if the authorities earmarked a place as a pet park where the animals can be taken. This will be convenient for all,” said Bapi Lodh, a regular visitor.

    “Ideally, there should be no such prohibition on entry of pets to public places, but owners should also be responsible about causing inconvenience to others,” said green activist Subhas Dutta.
  • Link to this news (Times of India)