Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader and advocate Priyanka Tibrewal in a letter to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has alleged, “acts of violence, intimidation by the police and local politicians against victims of sexual violence in Sandeshkhali area.”
“Local administration of Sandeshkhali including the District Magistrate and the Superintendent of Police, North 24 Parganas, failed and neglected to install CCTV cameras in the sensitive areas of Sandeshkhali, as recorded by the order… passed by the Hon’ble High Court,” Tibrewal wrote in her letter.
Tibrewal, the advocate for some of the alleged victims, had last month demanded in the High Court that action be taken against complicit officials and had also prayed for the transfer of investigation to the CBI.
Alleging that the said ‘victims of sexual violence are totally helpless’, the counsel in her letter, stated: “The undersigned states that pursuant to a separate email-ID being created by the CBI for the purpose of receiving complaints against the acts of violence… several victims and affected persons have registered complaints on the said email. However, the goons owing allegiance to the ruling dispensation and the pradhan of the local panchayat are continuously threatening and intimidating the victims of sexual violence to withdraw their complaints”.
Tibrewal’s letter also mentions that the police is “acting as agents of the ruling dispensation” and has “unleashed the full force and wrath of the State against the victims of sexual violence… The police acting as agents of the ruling dispensation are registering false complaints against members of the family of the victims who are reporting acts of violence on the said email of the CBI”.