The prime accused in the West Bengal coal pilferage case, Anup Maji alias Lala, was granted conditional bail on Tuesday after he surrendered before a special Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) court at Asansol. Maji was granted bail on the condition that he could not travel outside his native place Purulia.
Maji’s surrender came after Asansol Special CBI Court Judge Rajesh Chakraborty directed the CBI to complete the investigation by framing charges in the case. The central agency is scheduled to present the chargesheet on May 21.
The CBI had questioned how it could submit a chargesheet without interrogating Maji, to which the judge had said that though Maji enjoyed protection from arrest (granted by the Supreme Court), there was no hindrance to questioning him. The CBI subsequently started the search for Maji. Though investigators went to his house, they could not locate him.
The coal pilferage scam in West Bengal is related to the illegal mining and pilferage of coal from leasehold areas of Eastern Coalfields Ltd (ECL) in Kunustoria and Kajora areas of Paschim Bardhaman district. The Enforcement Directorate is probing the money laundering aspect of the case.
Investigation into the case began in 2020 when the theft of coal from various railway sidings in the state came to light. The income tax department and the CBI started investigating the matter. The central agency later conducted searches at several locations linked to Maji, and four people, including Maji’s associate Gurupada Maji, were arrested. While three others got bail, Gurupada is still lodged in Tihar jail.
According to CBI sources, Maji used to take the help of Enamul Haque, an accused in a cow smuggling racket, to smuggle coal. Apart from enjoying political support, the CBI claimed that Maji was in contact with officials from ECL, the police, and the railways.