The body of a BJP worker, missing since Wednesday night, was found on Thursday in West Bengal’s East Burdwan district, sparking a new controversy with local BJP leaders claiming he was murdered by TMC workers. However, the ruling TMC denied the allegation.
Abhijeet Roy was the BJP booth president and a polling agent of Booth Number 168 in Manteshwar’s Jamna area. Manteswar falls under the Burdwan-Durgapur Lok Sabha seat where Dilip Ghosh is contesting as the BJP candidate.
According to the police, after villagers found the body of Roy at a farmhouse Thursday morning, a team from the Manteshwar police station recovered it. According to police sources, the cause of death will be clear after the post-mortem.
Soon after the news of Roy’s death spread, Bharatiya Janata Party workers started gathering in front of Manteswar Police Station and gheraoed the premises while demanding that a murder case must be lodged and culprits be arrested. Local BJP leaders also alleged Roy was killed by Trinamool Congress-backed miscreants and claimed that there was no reason he would end his life.
BJP candidate Dilip Ghosh claimed, “The TMC always tries to terrorise the area so that it can rig the booths. This time the TMC failed to do so and, out of frustration they probably murdered Abhijeet.”
On his part, TMC spokesperson Prasenjit Das said, “The BJP should not do politics with every incident. The police are investigating and all culprits will be punished.”