Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday slammed West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee for accusing the Bharat Sevashram Sangha, Ramakrishna Mission and ISCKON of working in the BJP’s interests in Lok Sabha elections 2024 and claimed such an attack was aimed at pleasing her “vote bank” in the state.
Addressing a public meeting at Purulia, PM Modi appealed to the people to teach the Trinamool Congress (TMC) government a lesson through their votes so that it does not dare to insult such socio-religious organisations in the future.
“In this election, the people of Bengal are being threatened by the TMC government which prefers violence. This time, they have crossed all limits. ISCKON, Ramakrishna Mission, created by Swami Vivekananda, and Bharat Sevashram Sangha are known for their service and morality in the country and worldwide. They make the country proud. But today, the West Bengal chief minister is openly threatening them from the stage by taking their names. The West Bengal government has pointed its finger at them. Such audacity. They stooped so low only to please their vote bank,” said Modi.
PM Modi’s sharp reaction came a day after Mamata Banerjee on Saturday accused “a few monks” from Bharat Sevashram Sangha and Ramakrishna Mission of directly working against the TMC and helping the BJP in Bengal.
Speaking at a rally in Hooghly’s Jayrambati, Banerjee on Saturday said, “There is a maharaj in Behrampore; I have been hearing about him for a long time. Kartik Maharaj says he will not allow any TMC agent in the poll booth. I do not consider him a saint because he is directly involved in politics and is ruining the country. I used to respect Bharat Sevashram Sangha a lot. It has been on my list of respected organisations for a long time.” She also referred to Ramakrishna Mission and claimed “instructions (the order had got) from Delhi” are being received by its members.
Criticising her statements, PM Modi said, “The TMC does not care about the sentiments of the people of Bengal. They have no sympathy for their feelings. The country will not tolerate the insult of such institutions and revered figures like Swami Vivekananda. The government, which does not have any respect for such religious organisations, has to be taught a big lesson through your votes so that it does not dare to insult such organisations in the future.”