Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Monday clarified her recent remarks on the Ramakrishna Mission (RKM) and said she was not against the institution but had criticised one or two monks who created communal disturbances in the state.
The statement from the TMC supremo came a day after Prime Minister Narendra Modi lashed out at her during an election rally for purportedly insulting the RKM, the Bharat Sevashram Sangha (BSS), and ISKCON.
Addressing a public meeting in Bishnupur constituency in Bankura district, Banerjee said, “I am not against Ramakrishna Mission. Why should I be against an institution and show disrespect? Even I paid a visit to Maharaj (former head of the RKM) when he was ill. I have only talked about one or two people. Bharat Sevashram Sangha does great philanthropic work for the people and they also love me. I only mentioned one name and he is Kartik Maharaj. He did not allow our agents in polling booths. Two days before the election in Murshidabad, he incited a riot in the district. That’s why I took his name.”