• Raja Rammohan Roy celebrated as the harbinger of women's education and modern India
    Times of India | 22 May 2024
  • KOLKATA: The Raja Rammohun Roy Library Foundation (RRRLF), an autonomous organization under the Union Ministry of Culture, celebrated its 52nd Foundation Day and the 252nd birth anniversary of Raja Rammohun Roy with a series of events commemorating his legacy as a pioneer of women's education and modern Indian thought.

    DrPC Das, a renowned educationist and the Chief Guest of the programme, delivered the “Raja Rammohun Roy Memorial Lecture.” In his speech, he emphasized Roy's lasting impact on women's rights and religious reform, stating, “Roy's advocacy for women's rights is still highly relevant.Investing in education, particularly for women and marginalized communities, remains a key strategy for empowering individuals and fostering societal progress.” DrDas also highlighted the importance of Roy's vision for interfaith dialogue in today's multicultural societies, adding, “Promoting mutual respect and tolerance among different religious communities can help address contemporary challenges of religious intolerance and conflict.”

    Prof. BV Sharma, Director General of RRRLF, further elaborated on Roy's contributions, saying, “Roy's integration of religious reform with social justice provides a model for addressing contemporary social issues. His holistic approach can inspire modern movements that seek to combine ethical, religious, and social dimensions to create a more equitable society. Raja Rammohun Roy's legacy as a reformer who bridged tradition and modernity offers enduring lessons for advancing women's rights, promoting religious harmony, and fostering social justice in the modern era.”

    Dipanjan Chatterjee, Project Officer of the National Mission on Libraries (NML), spoke about the foundation's ongoing efforts, noting, “RRRLF has been working since 1972 to uplift and improve public library systems and services in close association with State Governments and Union Territory administrations.” He also informed the gathering that the Ministry of Culture had released postal stamps and a commemorative coin worth Rs. 250 last year to mark the birth anniversary of the "Father of Modern India." Additionally, 178 rallies involving school children were organized across various districts to promote women's empowerment.

    This year's celebrations included a cultural programme held at the RRRLF office campus, where Bibhabendu Bhattacharya performed Brahmasangeet in tribute to Raja Rammohun Roy, honoring his contributions to India's cultural and social landscape.

    The events underscored Raja Rammohun Roy's pivotal role in shaping modern India through his visionary advocacy for women's education, religious reform, and social justice.
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