The West Bengal Crime Investigation Department (CID) on Thursday detained one person in connection with the ‘murder’ of Bangladesh Awami League MP, Md Anwarul Azim Anwar, who went missing from Kolkata on May 13.
According to sources in CID, the body of the MP remains untraceable and the investigation is on to look into whether the MP’s body was ‘displaced’ or not.
The suspect, identified as Zuber, is a resident of the Bengal-Bangladesh border area.
In addition to this, the Dhaka Metropolitan police on Wednesday arrested three persons in connection to the case. The suspects told the police that the MP had been murdered. The police suspect that the three accompanied Azim to India and fled back after the murder.
The CCTV footage, from the flat in Kolkata’s New Town area, where the Bangladesh MP Azim is believed to have been murdered, shows the accused leaving with a trolley. The three arrested in Bangladesh were also seen in the footage. “Blood stains were found in the flat where Azim is believed to have stayed. Fingerprints and bloodstain samples were collected. After that, CID arrested a suspect on Thursday,” said an official.
According to the CID sources, two among the arrested accused, Faisal and Mustafizur, had moved to Kolkata at least 10 days before the murder and lodged into the hotel on Sadar Street, near Dharmatala, on May 2. Both left the hotel on May 13, a day after Azim arrived in Kolkata. While the hotel staff said that no inconsistency was ever seen in the behavior of the two accused, a female employee of the hotel said that the two were staying in a common room without AC and one of them said that he had come to Kolkata for treatment.
According to the police, Azim went missing from the New Town area flat. Investigators said he came to Kolkata on May 12 after crossing the Gede border in Nadia district around 2.40 pm. He first went to Mondolpara lane in Baranagar to meet his friend Gopal Biswas, a gold trader. On May 13, he left Biswas’s residence and went to the New Town flat, which he had taken on rent. He went missing from there. When his family members failed to contact him, they filed a complaint with the police in Bangladesh. Meanwhile, Biswas too filed a complaint at Baranagar Police Station on May 18.