The Election Commission of India has decided to deploy central forces in West Bengal for 15 more days after the counting of votes, keeping in mind post-poll violence reported from the state. Around 400 companies of central forces will stay in Bengal till June 19, a senior official said.
“The deployment will be primarily done in areas and districts that are sensitive in terms of violence to prevent any untoward incident,” an official said on Monday.
Earlier, central forces were to be deployed till June 6. The votes will be counted on June 4, Tuesday.
Meanwhile, unrest continued in Bengal two days after it voted in the last phase of the Lok Sabha elections on June 1.
Supporters of the ruling Trinamool Congress were attacked in Kultali and Bhangore in South 24 Parganas district allegedly by workers of the ISF and the BJP, which have denied the allegations.
On Sunday night, bombs were hurled at the North Kashipur police station. It is alleged that two TMC workers were beaten up, but the ISF has denied any role in the incident.
ISF workers alleged that at least 300-400 bikers with TMC support had entered an area. The ISF claimed that two TMC supporters were injured during a bombing incident.
The TMC’s two women supporters were allegedly beaten up and admitted to Jamtlar Block Rural Hospital in Kultali.
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