Nearly 80 per cent voter turnout was recorded at the two polling booths, in Barasat and Mathurapur constituencies on Monday, officials said. The booth in the Barasat constituency was located at the Kadambagachi Saradar Para FP School, in Deganga Assembly segment, while the one in Mathurapur was located at Aaddir Mahal Srichaitanya Bidyapith in Kakdwip Assembly, they added.
Meanwhile, the Election Commission on Monday revised the voter turnout for the seventh and final phase to 76.80 per cent in the state. Polling was held in nine Lok Sabha seats of West Bengal in the final phase.
The turnout, however, was lower — a drop of 1.5 percentage point — from the polling percentage of 78.51 per cent recorded during the 2019 Lok Sabha polls.
The highest polling of 84.31 per cent was registered in Basirhat Lok Sabha seat, followed by Mathurapur (82.02 per cent), Diamond Harbour (81.04 per cent), Barasat (80.18 per cent), Jaynagar (80.08 per cent), Jadavpur (76.68 per cent) and Dum Dum (73.81 per cent), the EC said.
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