A day after results of the Lok Sabha elections were declared, multiple incidents of post-poll violence were reported from across the state on Wednesday, police said. In Cooch Behar district’s Natabari area, a BJP worker was allegedly attacked by a TMC supporter with a gun. In a video of the purported incident, local residents can be seen chasing the TMC worker who was running with his gun, they added.
In Shantipur in Nadia, crude bombs were allegedly hurled at a TMC youth leader’s house, police said. At Bhatpara in North 24 Parganas district, BJP workers’ homes were allegedly ransacked by a group of persons, they said.
In a separate incident in the district, over a dozen houses and a BJP office were allegedly vandalised in Madhyamgram area by a group of persons, police said. According to police, central forces rushed to the spot to bring the situation under control. However, the accused returned after the jawans left and ransacked the area, police added.
While the BJP pointed fingers at the TMC, the ruling party claimed that the clash was due to a fallout between rival factions within the BJP. Similar incidents were also reported in Howrah and South 24 Parganas district’s Narendrapur where BJP workers’ homes were reportedly vandalised, police said.
Police also said that a shop belonging to the daughter of a CPI(M) leader was allegedly ransacked in Durgapur.
Reacting to the attacks on its party workers, the BJP accused the TMC of unleashing a “reign of terror” in the state. “The TMC has unleashed a reign of terror after the election results were declared. It is a repeat of the post-poll violence which occurred after the 2021 state Assembly elections. We would request the Mamata Banerjee government to ensure that such incidents do not take place anymore,” said BJP spokesperson Samik Bhattacharya.
There was no immediate reaction from the TMC over the incidents.
Lok Sabha Election Results 2024: Full list of winners