The West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination (WBJEE) Board on Thursday announced the 2024 results for admission to engineering and architecture courses. At a success rate of 99.53 per cent, 1,12,963 candidates—78,621 of them male and 34,342 female—cleared the exam.
Board chairman Malayendu Saha announced that Kingshuk Patra from Bankura Zilla School has topped the exam. Subhradeep Paul from Kalyani University Experimental High School and Bibaswan Biswas from Bishop Morrow School at Krishnanagar, both in Nadia district, bagged the second and third positions, respectively.
Speaking to reporters, the WBJEE topper said he had not expected such a good result. “I am very happy with the result. Next I want to get into IIT-Kharagpur to study computer science,”Kingshuk Patra said.
“A total of 1,13,492 candidates appeared in the examination. Out of them 1,12,963 have qualified. The success rate is 99.53 per cent. Of the students who have qualified, 87,030 are from West Bengal and the rest from outside the state,” said Saha.
Among the successful candidates, 61,575 were from the West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education, 31,883 were from the Central Board of Secondary Education, 7,595 from the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations and 11,910 from other boards.
Of the top 10 candidates, four each are from the state board and the CBSE, while the others are from the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations.
North 24 Parganas district produced the highest number of successful candidates (10,489), followed by East Midnapore (7,331) and West Midnapore (7,079).
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