• Real feel at 56°C, heat-humidity combo lays Kol low
    Times of India | 10 June 2024
  • Kolkata: A sudden flow of moisture into south Bengal has left Kolkatans sweating profusely over the last five days, leading to a spread of viral infections that have laid thousands low with fever and cough. Hospitals have also been receiving a steady flow of patients suffering from heat exhaustion, muscle cramps and dehydration triggered by heavy sweating.The wide difference in indoor and outdoor temperatures, and the sweating, have unleashed viruses like rhinovirus, metapneumo virus and influenza viruses, said doctors.

    “Scores have been struck by viruses triggering high fever, body ache, vomiting, loose motion, weakness and rashes in some cases. The viral fever is persisting for several days in many cases, though the symptoms are receding. The rashes, too, are causing a scare but some viruses trigger them,” said RN Tagore Hospital intensivist Sauren Panja.

    The gulf between indoor and outdoor temperatures, particularly for those living or working in AC rooms, could be risky, said Charnock Hospital internal medicine consultant Subhayan Bhattacharya. “If the body can’t acclimatize to a particular temperature for a considerable period, resistance levels drop, paving the way for viruses to strike. So, it’s better to switch off the AC a few minutes before going out and do the same when moving into an AC room from the outdoor humidity. The key is to check sweating as far as possible,” Bhattacharya said.

    Internal medicine consultant Arindam Biswas said, “Sweating lowers body temperature but triggers fluid loss that causes severe dehydration and sudden blackouts. It is also risky for heart patients as they can suffer a sudden heart attack due to fluid loss. Over the last week, we have had many suffering from heat exhaustion being admitted and put on IV fluids.”

    “The current weather conditions are perfect for viruses to breed. Excess moisture in air can interfere with the body’s cooling mechanism and leave you dehydrated. Heat irritates the airways and this is more pronounced in those with chronic cough and allergic rhinitis. Airways inflammation can be triggered by heat, leading to constriction of breathing passages,” said BP Poddar Hospital consultant physician Rajdeep Sen. The hospital’s OPD has received about 48 patients suffering fr-om fever, cough and dehydration in the last three days. Two were admitted with severe dehydration while some also sought treatment for diarrhoea.

    Fluid loss has been triggering sodium deficiency in the elderly while muscle cramps and sudden blackouts are more common among the young, added Biswas.

    Paediatrician Shantanu Ray said several kids between six and 14 have recently had rashes and persistent high fever. “The common symptoms have been vomiting, loose motion, and convulsions in some cases, apart from rashes. While the high fever is persisting for about a week, children are left dehydrated due to high humidity,” said Ray.
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