Hindu Samhati member Santanu Sinha, who had accused BJP’s IT chief Amit Malviya of “sexual misconduct” in a Facebook post, on Tuesday said his statements were “misinterpreted” and expressed “heartfelt sorrow” if it hurt the BJP leader.
This after Malviya served a legal notice to him for “making false and defamatory allegations”.
“If my post hurts Mr Malviya and/or undermines my party for such misinterpretation and edited version, I do express my heartfelt sorrow for the same. Since I have not written anything untoward in my post, with the mission to malign, I am not withdrawing the post, the bone of contention,” Sinha wrote on Facebook Tuesday.
On June 8, Malviya, the in-charge of BJP’s IT department and co-incharge of West Bengal BJP unit, sent a legal notice to Sinha, asking him to take down the “false and derogatory” post made a day earlier.
“I call upon you to pay a sum of Rs 10 crore as civil damages for the mental harassment, agony and loss of reputation caused to my client that has been caused to my client via your Facebook post dated June 7,” the notice read.
With the TMC and Congress raising the issue against Malviya and demanding a probe, Sinha on Tuesday hit out at the Opposition parties, accusing them of spreading a hate campaign against Malviya and BJP.
When contacted, Malviya did not respond to the latest development. On Monday, Malviya had said that appropriate action would follow against Sinha “since the Congress and the TMC held a press conference on the slanderous post”.
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