West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee Wednesday announced that her government has started releasing Rs 2,900 crore directly into the bank accounts of about 1.05 crore farmers under the Krishak Bandhu (Natun) scheme for the kharif season. The Trinamool Congress (TMC) chief also announced that the state government will distribute Rs 293 crore among 2.10 lakh farmers who suffered losses due to adverse weather conditions during the Rabi season.
In a post written in Bengali on ‘X’, the chief minister stated: “Happy to announce that we are releasing today onwards Rs 2,900 crore directly into the bank accounts of our about 1.05 crore farmers (including bargadars) enrolled under our Krishak Bandhu (Natun) scheme. This is the first dose of financial assistance for the kharif season of 2024, and an equal second instalment will go for Rabi season later this year.”
“For cultivable land of 1 acre onwards, a farmer gets Rs 10,000, and for lesser quantum of land, proportionate amount with minimum being Rs 4,000 per year. Since (the Krishak Bandhu scheme) inception in 2019, a sum of Rs 18,234 crore has thus reached the farmers’ accounts,” she wrote further.
Stressing on her government’s commitment towards farmers’ economic welfare and social security, Banerjee said: “In addition, for a farmer dying between 18 and 60, his family gets death compensation of 2 lakh. A total 1,12,000 bereaved families in West Bengal have received a total Rs 2,240 crore in the last few years on this account.
In a separate post, she wrote: “I am happy to announce that (apart from providing Rs. 2,900 crore assistance to 1 crore 5 lakh farmers and bargadars across the state under the Krishak Bandhu Natun Scheme), we are also releasing today onwards a sum of Rs 293 crore directly to the bank accounts of our 2.10 lakh farmers who suffered crop losses due to adverse weather conditions during current Rabi season.”
The CM said the financial assistance was being extended under the state government’s Bangla Shasya Bima scheme. “This is done under our unique Bangla Shasya Bima (BSB) which is our unique crop insurance scheme where the State Government pays the entire premium for all crops… Since (the scheme’s) inception in 2019, Rs 3,133 crore have reached the bank accounts of the affected one crore farmers! Jai Bangla!,” she wrote.
Initially rolled out as the ‘Krishak Bandhu’ in 2019, the scheme provides direct financial assistance for cultivation of crops upto a maximum of Rs 10,000 per annum and a minimum of 4,000 per annum. The beneficiaries would receive the amounts in two equal installments during Kharif and Rabi seasons every year. In June 2021, the scheme was relaunched as ‘Krishak Bandhu (Natun)’.
Banerjee’s announcement comes days after her party bagged 29 out of 42 seats in Bengal. The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) secured 12 seats — a sharp drop from its seat tally in 2019. With TMC sending 29 MPs to Parliament from Bengal, the TMC-led state government is gearing up to sharpen its attack against the BJP-led Centre over the state’s pending dues under various welfare schemes.
A senior leader of TMC said, “Mamata Banerjee has 29 MPs this time and the BJP is less than half way mark (in Parliament). We will exert pressure on the BJP and will try to secure all dues within a year. The party will be able to capitalize on this victory in the 2026 Assembly elections.”
“In an administrative meeting, the Chief Minister has directed officials to prepare a new survey of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana beneficiaries. She said if the Central government does not give the money, the state government will give,” he added.
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