The West Bengal government on Thursday informed the Calcutta High Court that Leader of Opposition in state Assembly Suvendu Adhikari would be allowed to stage a four-day dharna with victims of alleged post-poll violence outside Raj Bhavan, allocating him this Sunday, June 30.
After deliberations, advocate general Kishore Datta said he would inform the court of a revised date after consulting the state government.
The BJP Nandigram MLA had moved the high court after the Kolkata Police had denied him permission to stage this dharna as section 144 of the Code of Criminal Procedure is in force outside the Governor’s House. Adhikari had contested this saying that TMC national general secretary Abhishek Banerjee was allowed by the police to hold a dharna for five days outside Raj Bhavan in October last year.
An advocate appearing on behalf of Adhikari said that the BJP leader will not be able to hold the programme on June 30 as he is going to attend an event to listen to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ‘Mann Ki baat’. The advocate said that Adhikari will be able to hold the programme next Sunday on July 7. However, as this date coincides with Rath Yatra, Adhikari expressed his desire to hold the programme on July 6.
The single bench of Justice Amrita Sinha then asked advocate general Kishore Dutta to find whether it was possible to hold the event on that day. The matter has been posted for hearing next on July 1.