The West Bengal Criminal Investigation Department (CID) brought Bihar-based criminal Subodh Singh to the state on Saturday and produced him in a court in Asansol on Sunday. According to CID sources, he was involved in several cases, and the police have been seeking his custody for a long time.
“His name is involved in multiple crimes in Bengal. His name came up as an accused in the murder of coal mafia don Raju Jha. Not only that, he was accused of threatening to kill several businessmen, including Ajay Mondal,” said a senior police officer.
In 2022, there was a firing incident in Raniganj in which Subodh’s name was involved. Subodh was also implicated in the murder of Manish Shukla, a close aide of BJP leader Arjun Singh.
Recently, a businessman named Ajay Mondal’s car was shot at in Belgharia, followed by threatening phone calls. It was alleged that Subodh was responsible for these incidents. According to officials, he allegedly ran the entire criminal network while being in jail in Bihar.