The police on Sunday recorded the statement of a woman BJP worker, five days after she was assaulted allegedly by Trinamool Congress women activists. BJP’s Cooch Behar District Vice President Deepa Chakraborty and District General Secretary Biraj Bose accompanied the party worker to a women police station where her statement was recorded.
The development comes a day after BJP MLA Agnimitra Paul met the injured party worker and demanded a CBI probe into the matter. Paul also accused the police of delaying the process of recording the victim’s statement.
Meanwhile, member of National Commission for Women (NCW) Delina Khondup also met the victim on Sunday. She also met district police officers to learn the details of the investigation.
The NCW has already directed the state police to invoke relevant provisions of the Indian Penal Code in the FIR filed in the case.
“The accused must be arrested promptly and the victim provided free medical treatment. A fair, time-bound investigation is required, with a detailed action taken report to be submitted to the Commission within three days,” the NCW said in a X post last week.
According to the complaint filed by the woman at the Ghoksadanga police station in Cooch Behar district’s Mathabhanga, she was surrounded by some women activists of the ruling Trinamool Congress on June 25. She alleged that she was stripped, beaten up and dragged for nearly a kilometre.
The police have arrested seven people in connection with the incident. “Out of the 10 accused, seven have been arrested. Search is on to arrest the three others. Today, the victim recorded her statement. Investigation is on,” said a senior police officer of Cooch Behar district.
Meanwhile, BJP MLAs have called for a sit-in demonstration in the state assembly premises from Monday to protest against the incident. While the saffron camp has accused the TMC workers of attacking the women, the ruling party said that the incident was a fallout of a family feud.