West Bengal Education Minister Bratya Basu said Wednesday that the state has become one of the most preferred destinations for higher education as over 87,000 undergraduate applications have been received by the higher education department’s admission portal, which was launched on June 19.
In an X post, Basu said a total of 87,010 applications have been received from various states including Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Assam, Bihar and Maharashtra. The students have submitted applications in colleges affiliated to the state universities.
“Up from Jammu & Kashmir right down to Kerala, students are preferring Bengal as their destination for Higher Education. We welcome them with wide open arms,” said the education minister.
According to a senior official at the state higher education department, about 5 lakh applications have been received through the portal till Wednesday.
The state government’s recently launched ‘centralised admission portal’ is a part of various state government colleges and universities.
The portal has been developed for admission to 7,230 undergraduate courses in government and government-aided general degree colleges and universities including 16 universities, 461 colleges and a few other higher education institutions across West Bengal.
Through this portal, a candidate will be able to search for courses, colleges, and universities across the state and access all relevant details such as course-wise eligibility criteria, vacancies, formula for merit-index calculation, and elective subjects offered by any college or higher education institution.
The portal will remain open till July 7.