NIA on Thursday filed the first supplementary chargesheet against three accused in the 2022 Bhupatinagar blast case, said officials. Three people were killed after a bomb exploded in a house near TMC leader Abhishek Banerjee’s rally venue in Purba Medinipur district on December 2, 2022.
In the charge sheet filed before the Special Court in Kolkata, the agency has named Panchanan Ghorai, Manobrata Jana and Balai Charan Maity along with the three deceased — Raj Kumar Manna, Biswajit Gayen and Buddhadeb Manna.
While Ghorai is on bail, Jana and Maity are in judicial custody. Proceedings against Raj Kumar Manna, Buddhadeb Manna and Gayen have been abated, the NIA said. “All the six chargesheeted accused were found to be actively involved in the criminal conspiracy related to the bomb blast which took place at Naruabila village on December 2, 2022,” an NIA spokesperson said.