Notably, the ED on Friday arrested Anisur Rahman alias Vikash, Trinamool Deganga block president, and his brother Alif Noor Rahman aka Mukul, in connection with the corruption case. Sources indicated that Mukul owns a hotel in Digha, a prime seaside tourist spot in the eastern state. They added that the brothers might have also bought properties in Dubai with the ill-gotten money.
The ED had arrested the Rahman brothers after they reportedly failed to provide satisfactory explanations for financial transactions, income, and expenditure related to their rice mills. Vikash and Mukul were taken for a medical examination at a hospital on Sunday.
Reacting to the development, a member of the Digha Hotel Association said, “We are not responsible for checking owners’ backgrounds. We can only verify the legality of hotel establishments.”
“We check for valid documents, compliance with Digha Shankarpur Development Board regulations, and the possession of a trade licence. Our role doesn’t extend to investigating the financial background of owners,” he added.
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