Sources in the BSF had earlier told The Indian Express that the men began gathering on the Bangladeshi side in Golenaohati Gram Panchayat under Sitalkuchi police station, in Sitalkuchi block, Cooch Behar district on Friday morning. By afternoon, a mob of around 1,000 people tried to cross the zero point and even walked on the Khurpa Nallah on the Indo-Bangla border.
In the video that surfaced online, a BSF personnel was seen addressing the crowd which was trying to seek refuge in India amid the ongoing protest and crisis, which saw the Sheikh Hasina-led government fall.
Addressing the crowd in Bengali, the BSF personnel said, “Listen to me, listen to what I’m saying… We all know the problem you people are facing, the world knows, there is a need for discussion, we cannot solve issues like this…we cannot let you cross the border like this, can we? There will be a discussion and we will also see what kind of steps need to be taken about your protection.”
While trying to calm the crowd, he further said, “There are many senior officials who are present here…they are discussing the issue and now if you insist on crossing the border, is that possible, tell me? I request you on behalf of my country to return back…A solution cannot be doled out within an hour or two.”
Meanwhile, the people in the crowd can be heard saying: “Please let us in, they will burn our houses…they will torture us.”
The BSF personnel lastly added that as per the discussions with Border Guards Bangladesh personnel “they have asked you to return and your grievances will be heard.”
On Friday, Union Home Minister Amit Shah announced the setting up of a high-level committee to monitor the country’s eastern border situation. In a post on X, Shah wrote, “In the wake of the ongoing situation in Bangladesh, the Modi government has constituted a committee to monitor the current situation on the Indo-Bangladesh Border (IBB). The committee will maintain communication channels with their counterpart authorities in Bangladesh to ensure the safety and security of Indian nationals, Hindus, and other minority communities living there.” “The committee will be headed by the ADG, Border Security Force, Eastern Command,” the statement added.
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