The development comes after the Calcutta High Court handed over the case to CBI on Tuesday, observing that “there appears to be no significant progress in the investigation”. This also comes after West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee said on Monday if the Kolkata police are unable to solve the case by Sunday, it would be handed over to CBI. Her comments came after she met the family of the woman doctor.
After reaching Kolkata, CBI initiated the process of taking the accused Sanjay Roy into their custody. Roy, who was arrested by the Kolkata police, was taken to SSKM Hospital for a medical Examination. As per officials, CBI has already registered a First Information Report based on the FIR filed by the police under sections of rape and murder. The Kolkata police have already handed over the case file to CBI, added the officials.
On Tuesday, the Kolkata police summoned 37 people to question them over the rape and murder of the 31-year-old junior doctor who was found dead at a seminar hall in the R G Kar Hospital last Friday. The police said the accused is trained in boxing and used all his force to commit the crime. They said the scratch mark injuries on Roy’s body matched with the skin and blood samples collected from the nails of the victim.
After the Calcutta High Court ordered a CBI investigation into the R G Kar Hospital rape and murder case, a CBI team reached the Tala police station to collect the case diary. A police officer said the team will be handed over other documents by Wednesday. The Central agency may also take the accused into their custody.
Meanwhile, the Kolkata police said they are “committed to providing any assistance the agency needs to ensure that the victim’s family receives justice”.
In a post on their Facebook account, the police said, “We would like to share that Kolkata Police has used its best resources and worked absolutely professionally on the investigation into the recent tragic death of a young medical student at R.G. Kar hospital, in a period of less than four days. We have now transferred the case documents to the CBI following an order from the High Court. We are committed to providing any assistance the agency needs to ensure that the victim’s family receives justice”.
“We would also like to put on record the fact that several rumours have been doing the rounds on social and mainstream media about the so-called details of the crime, which have already been proven false. Without going into details since this is an ongoing investigation, we once again urge netizens to refrain from spreading unfounded and unverified information. This impedes the investigation, irrespective of the agency that carries it to its logical conclusion,” they added.
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