She was speaking to the media after her visit to the Raj Bhawan to attend the Independence Day tea party. Banerjee also clarified that it wasn’t the protesting doctors who attacked the hospital on Wednesday night. “It was not done by the students (doctors). I don’t blame them. Some outsiders, political people, want to create unrest in Bengal. Bam and Ram (Left and the BJP) joined hands to do this. They had gone there to score brownie points from the protest. They don’t want peace. Those who carried the national flag in the movement were BJP (party workers). Apart from this, DYFI flags were also seen.”
On the use of AI, Banerjee said, “A lot can be done with AI these days. Any face can be placed in any photo or video. Audio can be generated. The same is happening here. I watch a lot of videos. Promoting lies through fake videos has become a business. The police will keep a close eye on them. The Prime Minister also spoke about cyber crime in the NITI Aayog meeting. I agree with him on this.”
She added, “The police were attacked. They didn’t do anything. (The police) investigated as much as possible. One DC was seriously injured. His whole body was covered in blood. Yet, the police did not lose patience and did not beat anyone. A DCP has been admitted to hospital. He fainted. I was awake till 4 am.”
Banerjee also requested the agitating doctors to return to work. She said, “All the demands have been accepted. This investigation is no longer in the hands of the police. There is nothing we can do without help. I have requested in many ways. Doctors are committed to providing services. Some junior doctors and senior doctors are providing services. I thank them.”
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