The HC bench, comprising Chief Justice TS Sivagnanam and Justice Hiranmay Bhattacharya, directed the police and the hospital authority to file separate affidavits narrating the “true state of affairs” at the hospital and all connected matters will be heard on August 21, when the matter will be heard again.
“We direct the appropriate authority of police authorities as well as the person in-charge of administration of the hospital to file two separate affidavits narrating about the true state of affairs and all matters incidental and connected therewith,” the order stated.
On learning that there was some renovation work on one floor of the hospital after the body of a woman doctor, who was allegedly raped and murdered, was found, the Chief Justice also warned that the court can order closing down the medical establishment.
The high court, in its order, also noted that although the place of occurrence of the crime was saved from the attack, it would be imperative to provide safety to the doctors and nurses working in the hospital to ensure that they were able to carry out their duties with a sense of security.
“In our view, the police should place on record, the entire sequence of events leading to the incident. What is more important is that the doctors working in the hospital, who are presently protesting, have to be given adequate protection to discharge their duties. We had earlier reminded doctors of their obligation to treat patients. However, this incident would definitely impact their mindset,” the order passed by the division bench stated.
Meanwhile, the CBI was directed by the court to file an interim report about the progress of its investigation. “The CBI and its Special Team is at liberty to visit the hospital premises and make an assessment and proceed with the investigation as they deem appropriate,” the court said.
“Let advance copies of such affidavits be served on the learned advocates for the writ petitioners and filed before this court on the next hearing date. The Investigating Team as constituted by the CBI shall also file an interim report as regards the progress of the investigation on the next hearing date,” it mentioned.
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