After questioning him for over 10 hours on Friday, the CBI summoned Ghosh again on Saturday morning. He entered the same location as Friday – the CBI office in Salt Lake — through the back gate.
CBI sources indicate that the agency is “keen” to know why renovation work in the hospital began and “done in a hurry” while investigations were ongoing, looking into whether there were attempts to “tamper with evidence”.
They said the agency is “delving deep” into the sequence of events leading up to the tragic incident, the victim’s duty schedule, and the circumstances under which the family was informed. Additionally, Ghosh is likely to face questions about allegations levelled against him.
It is pertinent to note that Dr Sandip Ghosh resigned from his post as principal on Monday following the incident but was promptly appointed to head Calcutta National Medical College and Hospital (CNMCH), triggering protests from students who did not allow him to enter the campus. The Calcutta High Court had subsequently ordered him to go on long leave, expressing shock at his continued role in the administration.
The CBI had previously detained Ghosh from his car near City Centre, Salt Lake, and brought him to their office for questioning on Friday. Before this, the agency had questioned two members of the Kolkata Police SIT that initially probed the case and four doctors from the hospital. A special 12-member team of the CBI is investigating the case.
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