Thunderstorms are predicted on Thursday in northern West Bengal’s Malda and Dinajpur areas, driven by the active low pressure and monsoon axis in Bangladesh. The department has stated that rainfall in West Bengal will intensify when this pair strengthens.
Scattered heavy rain is anticipated in southern West Bengal, particularly along the coastal areas and districts bordering North Bangladesh.
Kolkata is forecast to have a partly cloudy sky today with potential thunderstorms, possibly with heavy rainfall from Saturday to Monday. The city is expected to experience light to moderate rain for the next two days. Due to high water vapour content in the air – with a range of 75 to 97 percent — even in the absence of rain, humidity levels will be high.
The minimum temperature in Kolkata today was recorded at 26.2 degrees Celsius, which is 0.2 degrees Celsius lower than the normal temperature. Yesterday’s maximum temperature was 32.2 degrees Celsius, slightly higher than the normal. The relative humidity levels in the city ranged from 75 to 97 percent.
Overall, West Bengal is bracing for a period of heavy rainfall and thunderstorms, with the intensity expected to increase in the coming days.
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