A BJP leader said that supporters of the ruling Trinamool Congress opened fire and threw bombs at his car in North 24 Parganas district’s Bhatpara area on Wednesday during the Bengal Bandh called by the Opposition party.
Priyangu Pandey, who recently joined the BJP after quitting the TMC, said, “Today I was going to our leader Arjun Singh’s residence…We moved some distance and the road was blocked by a jetting machine from the Bhatpara municipality. The moment our car stopped, around 50-60 people targeted the vehicle.”
He added, “Seven-eight bombs were thrown at my vehicle and then six-seven round firing was done. This is a conspiracy of the TMC and the police. They had planned to murder me. My security was withdrawn and then this incident happened.”
A social media video purportedly showed bullets being fired at Pandey’s car while he was inside it.
Arjun Singh, a former Barrackpore MP, said two BJP leaders were targeted in Bhatpara during the bandh called to protest against the police action during Tuesday’s Nabanna march that turned violent. He said the car’s driver was also injured in the incident.
“One of our party workers, named Ravi Singh, has been injured. Another leader, Priyangu Pandey, was also injured. They were coming to my house. The car was stopped near the Ghoshpara intersection. After that, Trinamool-backed miscreants opened fire targeting the car,” Singh said. “The bullet came close to the driver’s forehead.”
The BJP leader alleged that the police did nothing when the “bombs were thrown”.
The injured were first taken to the Barrackpore State General Hospital and later to a private hospital.
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