Kolkata Police on Wednesday said that a sergeant received severe injury in his eyes after he was attacked by protesters during Tuesday’s Nabanna Abhijan protest organised by Chhatra Samaj.
Debashis Chakraborty, a 2015 batch officer, was hit by a brick on his face while he was on duty, resulting in severe eye injuries, the police said.
Chakraborty has undergone emergency surgery at Shankar Netralaya, but doctors indicated that it might take time for his to get vision back. The attack has left him and his family devastated, and the state government has announced plans to send him to Hyderabad for further treatment.
“His injuries are very critical. There are injuries in his retina and cornea. A minor surgery has been done but no one is able to ascertain if his vision will return,” said DC (Kolkata Central) Indira Mookherjee.
Apart from Chakraborty, several policemen were injured and at least three were hospitalised during the violent protest on Tuesday.
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