A peaceful demonstration on the BT Road in Kolkata on Friday night by the students of Rabindra Bharati University (RBU) escalated into a heated argument with police officers after a civic volunteer, allegedly drunk, drove a two-wheeler into an area separated from the rest of the street with a barricade. The students were protesting the RG Kar junior doctor’s rape and murder.
A video of the incident has now gone viral on social media platforms. The clip shows the protesters arguing with a civic volunteer who was reportedly drunk. The civic volunteer is also seen pleading with the protesters.
Matters worsened when a traffic sergeant escorted the drunk civic volunteer away from the angry students.
The protesters claimed that the traffic sergeant let off the civic volunteer without any action. The clip further shows the agitators entering an argument with the traffic sergeant and demanding action.
Later, when the students did not back off, the drunk civic volunteer, identified as Gangasar Goud, was arrested by the Cossipore police and an FIR was filed against him.
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