• This Teachers’ Day, IMA & med profs to discuss ‘syndicate’ ills on campuses
    Times of India | 2 September 2024
  • Kolkata: It will be a different Teachers’ Day this Thursday when IMA West Bengal ropes in teachers from medical colleges across the state to hear from them in person of the rot that is being injected by the ‘health syndicate’ on campuses. With an aim to find out a solution together, the IMA state branch has extended an invitation to senior faculty members of all medical colleges for a convention.

    While one of the agendas for the convention is justice for the 31-year-old victim, IMA Bengal also plans to lend a help in cleansing the health system after hearing from the teachers.

    “While how to garner justice for the sister we have lost to the heinous crime is an agenda for the convention, who would also like to hear from the faculty members about the rot in health system where a syndicate is manipulating all steps. We aim to find a solution together,” said head-and-neck onco-surgeon Sourav Datta of IMA West Bengal.

    While the infamous ‘Noth Bengal lobby’ run by a few had always been in the murmur within campuses, the talk of the ‘health syndicate’ dictating terms in every step of health department is now spoken loud and clear in the open by the medical community.

    “When a student who failed in the subject I teach, I was asked by the principal to give him Honours marks. This student managed to pass all subjects with Honours which is very difficult even for a meritorious student. This is the kind of favour being done to students who toe the syndicate lines,” said a faculty member of a medical college.

    “The crime at R G Kar is a by-product of the ills ailing the health system. We need to cleanse it to make way for a healthier environment in medical colleges,” said community medicine specialist Sanjib Bandyopadhyay of IMA Bengal. The convention to be held at NRS may be attended not only by faculty members of medical colleges but also by administrative heads.
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