Three trawlers carrying 49 fishermen have gone missing from West Bengal’s coastal waters. The vessels — Neelkanth with 16 fishermen, Shreehari with 19 fishermen, and MaaRiya with 14 — had departed from Diamond Harbour and Kakdweep on Saturday, officials said.
Concerned families have filed missing person reports with local police, while the West Bengal Fishermen Association has urged the Indian Coast Guard and fisheries department to immediately intervene. However, adverse weather conditions have hampered the search efforts.
Joy Prakash Haldar of the association emphasised the urgency of the situation, stating, “All 49 fishermen are missing. We’ve written twice to the authorities. We cannot initiate our own search due to the weather. It can only done by the Coast Guard or the Indian Navy.”
According to sources, two trawlers from Diamond Harbour and one from Kakdweep went into Bay of Bengal to catch fish.
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