Abhishek Banerjee, the TMC’s All India General secretary and a Lok Sabha MP, said that since the West Bengal government has transferred top health department officials and Kolkata police officers, protesting junior doctors should end their strike “as a gesture of goodwill” and work in collaboration with the state government.
He said that working “collaboratively” would “expedite the implementation of the task force’s initiatives to ensure these changes are promptly executed.”
He said that the CBI, which is currently probing the RG Kar Medical College rape and murder case, should be “held accountable” — “the CBI’s record speaks for itself: over the past 10 years, they have not completed a single investigation they have undertaken,” he wrote in a post to X on Wednesday.
His statement came after agitating junior doctors wrote to the state government for another meeting, after their last one, to address their “unfulfilled demands” regarding the constitution of a special task force, hospital security, and the resignation of the state’s Health Secretary.
“Since day one, I have supported the doctors in their concerns regarding safety and security, and I have always maintained that most of their concerns, barring a few, are valid, sensible, and justified,” Banerjee wrote.
“As per the SC’s directions and the GoWB’s submission before the SC yesterday, most of the measures for improving their safety and security are in progress, including the installation of CCTV cameras and infrastructural developments in Medical Colleges and Hospitals across West Bengal, which are expected to be completed within 14 days,” he added.
“Additionally, the government has honored their demands for transferring certain top officials in the Health Department and Kolkata Police, as confirmed by the HCM the day before in her media address,” wrote the MP.
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