Hours before junior doctors in West Bengal partially lifted the month-long cease work on Thursday night following the rape and murder of their colleague at state-run RG Kar hospital in Kolkata, they alleged that their tents at the dharna site near Swasthya Bhavan were being removed and fans taken away due to “external pressure” on the contractors.
“We initially thought the decorators were removing the items for Durga Puja marquees. But later we learned they were doing it under pressure from the police. We want to reiterate that such pressure tactics will only strengthen our resolve,” a junior doctor said.
Police, however, denied the allegations, calling it “baseless”.
A senior officer of Bidhannagar Police Commissionerate, said, “Why would the police pressure the decorators? If the agitating doctors face any problems, they can inform us. We are always here to help them.”
This came hours after Wednesday’s marathon meeting with Chief Secretary Manoj Pant where the doctors’ delegation demanded a comprehensive investigation into the incidents of threat and intimidation to doctors. They also demanded setting up of a central inquiry committee,
comprising undergraduate students and resident doctors, to conduct a thorough probe into the alleged “threat culture” in hospitals and medical colleges.
The junior doctors also called for the implementation of democratic processes within medical colleges and asked the government to issue a directive mandating the formation of college council meetings to facilitate fair and transparent elections for student unions and resident doctors’ associations within the next two months.
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