Seeking extended custody of former R G Kar principal Sandip Ghosh and former officer in charge of Tala police station Abhijit Mondol, the CBI filed a written submission before the Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate Court in Sealdah on September 25.
In it, the agency said, “During custodial interrogation of both the accused persons, new/additional facts have emerged to the effect that some false records pertaining to the instant case were created/altered in PS Tala…” R G Kar Medical College falls under the jurisdiction of Tala police station.
On Wednesday, the court sent Ghosh and Mondol to judicial remand till September 30.
Ghosh and Mondol were arrested on September 14, with the CBI accusing them of being involved in disturbing the crime scene, tampering with evidence, violating official rules, being part of criminal conspiracy, and misleading investigators.
In its submission to the Sealdah court, the CBI said it would need to further question both of them in custody after investigators get the data extracted from the “DVR (digital video recorder) and hard disk containing the CCTV footage of PS Tala”, which have been sent to the Central Forensic Science Laboratory, Kolkata.
The CBI has claimed that both Sandip Ghosh and Abhijit Mondol were in constant touch over the phone after the junior doctor’s body was discovered in a seminar hall at R G Kar on August 9. It said investigators would also confront the two with the call records during further questioning.
The agency is looking into allegations of a larger conspiracy in connection with the rape and murder, including deliberate tampering of evidence. Questions have been raised by the victim’s family and protesting doctors regarding the delay in lodging an FIR in the case, the allegedly hurried cremation of the body, and the presence of outsiders and doctors close to Ghosh near the crime scene.
Ghosh has also been arrested by the CBI in connection with alleged financial irregularities and corruption in R G Kar.
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