The HC also cancelled the bail of the accused, and directed Kolkata Police Commissioner to take disciplinary action against three police officers for “failing to follow procedural norms and tampering with the complaint”. The civil servant’s wife had alleged that she was raped twice on the night of July 14 at her residence between 11.30 pm and 6.30 am.
The next day, she got an FIR registered but “was subjected to coercion and intimidation by the son and wife of the accused, who were allegedly brought to the police station by the officers to pressure her into withdrawing her complaint”.
She also alleged that despite being raped twice, police booked the accused on charges of outraging modesty that allowed him to get bail the next day of his arrest.
Ordering the transfer of the probe, Justice Rajarshi Bharadwaj of Calcutta High Court, observed: “Despite gravity of offences, the case was registered under less severe sections.”
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