On Friday night, Trinamool Chhatra Parishad (TMCP) state president Trinankur Bhattacharya said in a statement that office-bearers Prantik Chakraborty and Rajanya Halder were suspended for “anti-party activities”. However, both Chakraborty, the director of the short film, and Halder who acted in the film, denied that the film was related to the R G Kar incident.
A controversy broke out after the teaser of the short film ‘Agomoni, Tilottamader Golpo’ showed Halder dressed as a lady doctor with a stethoscope, an apparent reference to the R G Kar incident that kicked up a political firestorm in West Bengal. The film is set to be released on the occasion of ‘Mahalaya’ on October 2.
The TMCP announced the suspensions hours after TMC leader Kunal Ghosh posted on X that the party would not take responsibility if any party member used the issue for campaigning.
“A news of short film came which mentioned RG Kar issue. It has nothing related with Trinamool Congress… We are against this for commercial use. Any person can create, he has freedom. But anybody use this for campaign, party will not take responsibility for that. Party did not give permission or it was not informed to party. Those who did this, party asked to take stern action against them after proper investigation,” Ghosh said on X.
In his statement, Bhattacharya stated, “West Bengal Trinamool Chhatra Parishad hereby suspends Prantik Chakraborty from the post of Vice-President of West Bengal Trinamool Chhatra Parishad and Rajanya Haldar from the post of Vice-President of Jadavpur-Diamond Harbour District Trinamool Chhatra Parishad for anti-party activities with immediate effect. The decision shall remain in force until the disciplinary committee of the party reaches any final decision regarding them.”
Both Chakraborty and Halder said the film was about women empowerment.
“It is nothing related to our party. We are human beings. We did a film on women empowerment. That’s it,” Halder told The Indian Express. “I honour the party’s decision but it was nothing related to RG Kar. It was based on women empowerment,” Chakraborty, the film’s director, said.
TMC sources said that state Power Minister Aroop Biswas called Chakraborty on Friday and asked him about the subject of the film. Chakraborty reportedly explained the subject and requested him to watch the film.
TMC sources said that state Power Minister Aroop Biswas called Chakraborty on Friday and asked him about the subject of the film. Chakraborty reportedly explained the subject and requested him to watch the film.
Justifying the action, a senior TMC leader, said, “It is a very sensitive issue and using that in a film teaser can tarnish the party’s image. So party leaders did not take any risk.”
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