Inaugurating Sree Bhumi Durga Puja — Fire Minister Sujit Bose is the patron of the puja committee – the chief minister in a veiled remark on the ongoing protests by junior doctors over RG Kar rape-murder said: “People of the state eagerly wait for Durga Puja, which in Bengal marks the beginning of the festive season. After that, there will be Diwali, Kali puja, and Chhath puja. This festive season continues till the Christmas in December.”
Claiming that the current flood was “triggered” by the release of “excessive” water from DVC barrages in a short period after heavy rain in the neighbouring states, she said: “We have to bring a smile to the faces of the flood-hit people of the northern and southern districts. We have to provide relief to them while we are celebrating Durga Puja. We have to be on the side of people in Malda’s Ratua, half of which is underwater, and several other areas of north Bengal.”
“We have to be vigilant about the situation in Kandi, Suti and Farakka till the day of Mahalaya – the time of high tides,” she said.
Referring to the need to reach out to flood-hit people even during the time of festivals, she said, “We have to supply rice, dry fruits and other food items to the distressed people.”
“Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC) has recently released lakhs of cusecs of water from its barrages in a short period after rain in catchment areas, which flooded vast parts of south Bengal. People in places, like Khanakul in Hooghly and parts of Howrah, are still reeling under floodwater. I describe this flood as man-made,” she said.
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