Speaking to the media, Das said, “Advocate Ramen Roy’s only ‘fault’ was defending Chinmoy Krishna Prabhu in court. A group of Islamists ransacked his home and attacked him, leaving him in the ICU, fighting for his life.” Das urged people to pray for Roy’s recovery and highlighted the growing risks faced by those defending religious minorities in Bangladesh.
He also posted on X (formerly Twitter) a picture of Roy in the ICU, saying, “Please pray for Advocate Ramen Roy. His only ‘fault’ was defending Chinmoy Krishna Prabhu. Islamists ransacked his home and brutally attacked him. #SaveBangladeshiHindus #FreeChinmoyKrishnaPrabhu.”
The allegations could not be independently verified by PTI. Chinmoy Krishna Das, who served as a spokesperson for the Bangladesh Sammilita Sanatani Jagran Jote, was arrested at Dhaka’s Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport on Monday while travelling to Chattogram for a rally. He was denied bail and sent to jail the following day.
Das described the attack on Roy as “a direct consequence of his legal defence of Chinmoy Krishna Prabhu” and emphasised the growing challenges for advocates of religious minorities in Bangladesh.
(with inputs from PTI)