12 Durgapur: A 73-year-old woman who was feeding stray dogs at Rishi Aurobindo Pally in West Burdwan around 3pm on Saturday lost her gold chain to bike-borne snatchers. She sustained injuries to her shoulder and legs. Hearing her cries, two neighbours ran to her help and later informed cops. The three accused — Aditya Kumar Mondal (20), Ishu Ram (20), and Shiba Prasad (24) — have been arrested and produced in court on Sunday. The gold chain has been recovered.
Sovarani Mukherjee had just stepped out to feed the dogs when the trio approached her on a bike. One of them snatched the chain — weighing 12g — from her neck, and the bike fled.
Mukherjee's son Ashok, DSP's senior technician, told TOI, "I was on duty. My mother called to inform me of the incident. I returned to Durgapur at night and lodged a police complaint."
The accused were produced in Durgapur court with a prayer for seven days' police custody.