BJP MP Shamik Bhattacharya told The Indian Express, “Such irresponsible statements made by the Chief Minister of West Bengal, attacking the security forces, are lowering the dignity of the country. Now, the ruling government in Bengal is under pressure. West Bengal is solely responsible for the change in the demography of Jharkhand. It is only in West Bengal where Rohingyas are welcomed. This government is responsible for the infiltration. During the Left regime, Bengal was a safe passage — and now Bengal is a safe home — for infiltrators and anti-national elements.”
Meanwhile, CPI(M) MP Bikash Ranjan Bhattacharya said to The Indian Express, “It is right that the border is being secured by the BSF but that is not the final word. Once the infiltrators enter, the documents are made by the state administration. Local TMC leaders are assisting these people…Instead of accusing, (Banerjee) should have taken up the matter with the BSF and the Prime Minister but nothing of this sort has happened. Instead of proper legal action, there are only accusations being made. These accusations will only help infiltrators to enter the country as they know that there is a tussle between the Centre and the state at all times.”
Congress spokesperson Soumya Aich Roy said, “These are very grave allegations… the BSF is under the Home Ministry, so the allegation is that the BJP-ruled Centre and the BSF are allowing this infiltration. But it is based on money… it is the TMC only who are making fake Aadhar cards, voter cards, and passports. The BJP is letting anti-nationals enter and the TMC is helping them make documents. Police from other states are coming to this state and arresting militants… then what is the Bengal police doing, sleeping? The blame game should stop immediately. National security should be the priority.”
On Thursday West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee accused the BSF of allowing infiltration from Bangladesh to destabilise the state, calling it the Centre’s “nefarious blueprint”. Her remark had come weeks after Union Home Minister Amit Shah said that “infiltration from Bangladesh” was disrupting peace in West Bengal.