• Yesterdate: This day from Kolkata’s past, January 28, 1808
    Telegraph | 29 January 2025
  • On this day, the British forces captured the Danish colony of Serampore for the second time.

    In 1801, the British and the Danes extended their conflict in Europe to the Indian territories they controlled. In May that year, the British forces took over Frederiksnagore or Serampore. Following the 1802 Treaty of Amiens, however, Britain withdrew from Danish territories.

    During the Napoleonic Wars, a second conflict broke out between Denmark-Norway and Britain, which was carried over to Bengal.

    On January 28, 1808, British forces from Fort William in Calcutta surrounded the Danish colony. The Danes did not put up much of a fight against the superior British army.

    For suggestions on dates/events mail us at: yesterdate@abp.in
  • Link to this news (Telegraph)